Do I have to create an account to browse the site?

No. When you’re ready to begin building your code, however, you’ll want to create an account, which will allow you to save, revise and share your code.

Do I have to accept the journalism fundamentals that the site includes?

Yes. If you aren’t willing to accept these fundamentals, we argue that the work you’re doing isn’t journalism.

Can I edit the ethical choice statements?

Yes. If you’d like to make changes to a statement or write your own, type your preferred wording in the text box at the bottom.

How do I save the choices I make?

Select “save and continue” after you’ve made your choices for each module. They will be saved to the “Your Code” page, accessible on the left navigation bar.

What if I’m having trouble saving?
A few users have reported issues with the save and continue button. Generally, changing browsers seems to address this issue.

What if I want to change something in my code?

You can make changes either by going back into the individual module and checking/unchecking a statement or by clicking on the “Your Code” link, hovering over the statement you want to change and then clicking on the edit icon. Be sure to click “save and continue” after making a change.

Do I have to make ethical choices in every category and every module within the categories?

No. Once you’ve accepted the journalism fundamentals and made a choice about the nature of your journalism, you can decide which additional categories and modules are relevant to you.

What if I don’t see a module for an issue I want to include in my code?

First try using the search function; it’s possible that the module has a different name. If you can’t find the issue, you can create your own ethical statements by emailing ONA Digital Director Trevor Knoblich, trevor [at] journalists.org. We very much welcome your input, as we’ll use feedback, suggestions and ideas for modules to continue to develop and improve this project and site.

Can multiple users work on one code?

Yes, but you need to create a shared login. Only one person can be logged in at a time.

How do I gauge my progress?

The Dashboard gives you a visual representation of which modules you’ve added to your code. You’ll also see a blue checkmark in the left navigation bar that indicates the same thing. A blue arrow represents the module you’re currently working on. Remember, you’re not required to visit or incorporate every module.

How can I share my code?

Clicking on the “Your Code” link will take you to a page that allows you to print or email your code. It should also be easy to copy and paste from the site.

How do I provide feedback?

To provide feedback or ask further questions, please use our contact form.